A Standard Guide to Redefining Success

amy bobeda
3 min readJul 10, 2018

When we are living within our purpose, success comes freely. This pops into my head as I watch zucchini fry on the stovetop.

Success could mean any number of things. A Tony Award. A weekend home in the Hamptons. Twenty neighbors volunteering to help with your farm’s chicken slaughter. (I have witnessed all three types of success, and they are equally phenomenal.) Or, maybe success is as simple as sautéing zucchini without flinging a single slice onto the kitchen floor. (A skill I have yet to master).

Maybe success is as simple as sautéing zucchini without flinging a single slice onto the kitchen floor.

We are the lobster the frying pan keeps from living our dreams.

So, why do we get so hung up on success? You’re the reason. I’m the reason. The copies of Us Weekly that show up in my mailbox, without a subscription, are the reason. A collective standard, expectation, and definition of best life prevents us from living within the success we are born into. Most of us are pushing the boulder of societal success uphill, indefinitely, praying we meet success before our demise, without ever considering the successes we’re missing. Those successes fall into two cateogories: those we are blind to, and those from the lives we aren’t living.



amy bobeda

PREORDER: What Bird Are You? Now! https://linktr.ee/amybobeda Founder of @WisdomBodyCollective, come join us.